
Page 509

Whether you keep your talk secret or make it aloud, He knows well what lies in the hearts.
Is it (imaginable) that He who has created (them) will not have (such a) knowledge, while He is the Knower of the finest things, the All-Aware?
He is the One who has made the earth subjugated for you, so walk on its shoulders, and eat out of His provision, and to Him is the Resurrection.
Have you become fearless of Him who is in the sky if He makes you sink into the earth, and it starts trembling at once?
Or, have you become fearless of Him who is in the sky if He looses a violent wind with stones against you? So, you will soon come to know how was My warning!
And of course, those before them (also) rejected (the truth). So, how was My censure?
Have they not looked to the birds above them spreading their wings, and (at times) they fold (them) in? No one holds them up except the RaHmān (the All-Merciful Allah). Surely He is watchful of every thing.
Now, who is there to act as a force for you to help you, except the RaHmān ? The disbelievers are in nothing but delusion.
Or, who is there to give you sustenance, if He withholds His sustenance? Still, they persist in rebellion and aversion.
Then, is the one who walks falling down (frequently) on his face more right or the one who walks properly on a straight path?
Say, “He is the One who has originated you, and made for you ears and eyes and hearts. How little you pay gratitude!”
Say, “He is the One who has scattered you on the earth, and to Him you will be assembled.”
And they say, “When will this promise (of the Day of Judgment) be fulfilled, if you are true?”
Say, “The knowledge (of that Day) is only with Allah, and I am only a plain warner.
Then, once they will see it approaching, the faces of the disbelievers will be turned awkward, and it will be said, “This is what you were calling for!”
Say, “Tell me, if Allah destroys me and those who are with me (as you wish), or has mercy on us (as we wish), who can (in either case) save the disbelievers from a painful punishment?”
Say, “He is the RaHmān; we have believed in Him, and in Him we placed our trust. So, you will soon come to know who is in open error.”
Say, “Tell me, Should your water vanish into the earth, who will bring you a flowing (stream of) water?
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