Translation by
T. Usmani (Change)
Surah Info


I swear by the Day of Resurrection,
and I swear by the self-reproaching conscience, (that Resurrection is a reality.)
Does man think that We will never reassemble his bones?
Why (can We) not (do so), while We are able to reset (even) his fingertips perfectly?
But man wishes to go on violating Allah’s injunctions (even in future) ahead of him.
He asks, “When will be this Day of Resurrection?”
So, when the eyes will be dazzled,
and the moon will lose its light,
and the sun and the moon will be joined together,
on that day man will say, “Where to escape?”
Never! There will be no refuge at all.
On that day, towards your Lord will be the destination (of everyone.)
Man will be informed of what he sent ahead and what he left behind.
Rather, man will be a witness against himself,
even though he may offer his excuses.
(O Prophet,) do not move your tongue (during revelation) for (reciting) it (the Qur’ān) to receive it in hurry.
It is surely undertaken by Us to store it (in your heart), and to let it be recited (by you after revelation is completed).
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