Translation by
T. Usmani (Change)
Surah Info


Woe to the curtailers
who, when they measure something to receive from people, take it in full,
and when they measure or weigh something to give it to them, give less than due.
Do they not think that they have to be raised up
on a Great Day,
the Day when all the people will stand before the Lord of the worlds?
Never! (i.e. they should never act in such a way.) Indeed the record of deeds of the sinners is in Sijjīn .
And what may let you know what Sijjīn is?
A register, inscribed!
Woe that day to the deniers,
who deny the Day of Requital!
And none denies it but every sinful transgressor.
When Our verses are recited to him, he says, “(These are) tales of the ancients.”
No! But that which they used to commit has covered their hearts with rust.
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