And they say, “Our hearts are (wrapped) in covers against that (faith) to which you invite us, and there is deafness in our ears, and there is a barrier between you and us. So, do (in your way). We too are doing (in our own way)”.
Say, “I am but a human being like you; it is revealed to me that your god is only One God. So, turn straight towards Him, and seek forgiveness from Him, and woe to the Mushriks (those who ascribe partners to Allah)
He has placed firm mountains in it (the earth) towering above it, and put blessings in it, and proportioned its foods therein, in four days, equal for those who ask.
Then He turned straight to the sky, while it was a smoke, and said to it and to the earth, “Come (to My obedience), both of you, willingly or unwillingly.” Both said, “We come willingly.”
So He accomplished them as seven skies in two days, and settled in every sky its (due) thing. And We have decorated the closest sky with lamps, and protected it properly. All this is the determination of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.
when the messengers came to them from their front and from their rear, saying, “Do not worship anyone but Allah.” They said, “Had our Lord (really) willed (to send someone as messenger), He would have sent down angels. So, we are deniers of what you have been sent with.”
As for ‘Ād, they showed arrogance in the land with no right (to do so), and said, “Who is stronger than us in power?” Did they not see that Allah, who created them, is stronger than them in power? And they used to reject Our signs.
So, We let loose a wild wind on them in unlucky days to make them taste the humiliating punishment in the present life. And of course, the punishment of the Hereafter will be much more humiliating, and they will not be helped.
As for Thamūd, We showed them the way, but they preferred blindness to the guidance. Therefore, they were seized by the bang of the abasing punishment because of what they used to earn.