All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth proclaim Allah’s purity. To Him belongs the kingdom, and for Him is all praise, and He is powerful over every thing.
He knows all that is in the heavens and the earth, and He knows whatever you conceal and whatever you reveal. Allah is fully aware of what lies in the hearts.
Did the news of those people not come to you who disbelieved earlier, and tasted (in this world) the evil consequence of their conduct, and for them (in the Hereafter) there is a painful punishment?
That is because their messengers used to bring them clear proofs, but they said, “Shall some mortals give us guidance?” Thus they disbelieved and turned away, and Allah did not care. Allah is All-Independent, Ever-Praised.
The disbelievers claim that they will never be raised again (after death). Say, “Why not? By my Lord, you will be raised again, and then you will be told about what you did. That is so easy for Allah.”