Përkthim nga
T. Usmani (Ndryshimi)
Info për Suren


The RaHmān (The All-Merciful Allah)
has taught the Qur’ān.
He has created man.
He has taught him (how) to express himself.
The sun and the moon are (bound) by a (fixed) calculation.
And the vine and the tree both prostrate (to Allah).
He raised the sky high, and has placed the scale,
so that you should not be wrongful in weighing.
Observe the correct weight with fairness, and do not make weighing deficient.
As for the earth, He has placed it for creatures,
in which there are fruits and date palms having sheaths,
and the grain having chaff, and fragrant flowers.
So, (O mankind and Jinn,) which of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
He has created man from dry clay, ringing like pottery,
and created Jann (father of the Jinn) from a smokeless flame of fire.
So, (O mankind and Jinn,) which of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
He is the Lord of both points of sunrise and both points of sunset.
So, which of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
He let forth the two seas to meet together,
while there is a barrier between them; they do not encroach (upon one another).
So, which of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?
From both of them come forth the pearl and the coral.
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