Traduction par
T. Usmani (Changement)


(I swear) by those (winds) that are sent one after the other,
and by those that blow violently,
and by those that spread (clouds) all over,
and by those (angels) who differentiate (between right and wrong) distinctly,
then bring down the advice,
leaving no excuse (for the disbelievers) or giving warnings,
that which you are promised is sure to happen.
So, when the stars will be extinguished,
and when the sky will be split,
and when the mountains will be blown away as dust,
and when the messengers will be assembled at the appointed time, (then all matters will be decided.)
(Do you know) for which day has all this been delayed?
For the Day of Decision!
And what may let you know what the Day of Decision is?
Woe that Day to the deniers!
Did We not destroy the earlier people?
Then We will cause the later ones to follow them.
Thus We deal with the guilty people.
Woe that Day to the deniers!
Did We not create you from a worthless fluid?
Then We put it in a firm place of rest
Notes placeholders