He is the One who expelled the disbelievers of the People of the Book from their homes at the time of the first gathering. You did not expect that they would leave, and they deemed that their fortresses would protect them from Allah. But Allah came to them from where they did not expect, and cast fear in their hearts when they were spoiling their homes with their own hands and with the hands of the believers. So, learn a lesson, O you who have eyes to see.
Whatever palm-trees you have cut down, or have left them standing on their roots, it was with Allah’s permission, and so that He might disgrace the transgressors.
And whatever fai’ (left over property) Allah has passed on to His Messenger from them, you had not urged on your horses or camels for it, but Allah gives predominance to His messengers over whomsoever He wills, and Allah is Powerful over every thing.
Whatever fai’ Allah has passed on to His Messenger from the people of the towns is for Allah and for the Messenger, and for the kinsmen and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, so that it may not circulate only between the rich among you. And whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you from, abstain (from it). And fear Allah. Indeed Allah is severe in punishment.
(And fai’ is especially) for the poor emigrants who were expelled from their homes and properties, while they were seeking Allah’s grace and pleasure, and were helping (the religion of) Allah and His Messenger. They are the truthful.