Translation by
T. Usmani (Change)
Surah Info


By the mount of Tūr,
and by a book, written
on an unrolled scroll,
and by the Populated House (Al-Bait-ul-Ma‘mūr) ,
and by the roof, raised high,
and by the sea, flared up (with fire),
the punishment of your Lord is sure to fall.
There is nothing to push it back,
the Day when the sky will tremble, a horrible trembling,
and the mountains will move about, a terrible movement.
So, woe to those who reject (the true faith),
who are indulged in vain talk, playing (with truth),
the Day they will be pushed to the Fire forcefully,
(and it will be said to them,) “This is the Fire you used to deny.
Is it then magic, or do you not see?
Enter it. Now, whether you endure (it) patiently or impatiently, it is all the same for you; you are merely rewarded for what you used to do.”
Of course, the God-fearing will be in gardens and bliss,
enjoying what their Lord will have given to them, and their Lord will have saved them from the punishment of Hell.
(It will be said to them,) “Eat and drink pleasantly because of what you used to do,
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