Translation by
T. Usmani (Change)
Surah Info


O mankind, fear your Lord. Indeed the quake of the (destined) Hour is something terrible.
The day you will see it, every suckling female will forget that which she suckles, and every female having pregnancy shall abort her fetus, and you will see people as if they are drunk, while they are not drunk, but Allah’s torment is (so) severe.
Among the people there is one who debates about Allah without knowledge, and follows every rebellious Satan,
about whom it is destined that if someone takes him for friend, he will misguide him and lead him to the torment of the Fire.
O mankind, if you are in doubt about Resurrection, then (recall that) We created you from dust, then from a drop of semen, then from a clot, then from a piece of flesh, either shaped or unshaped, so that We manifest (Our power) to you.We retain in the wombs whatever We will to a specified term. Then We bring you out as babies, then (We nourish you) so that you reach your maturity. And among you there is one who dies, and among you there is one who is carried to the worst part of the age, so that he knows nothing even after having knowledge.And you see the land dry. Then once We send down water on it, it stirs and swells and puts forth every pleasant pair (of vegetation).
That is because Allah is the truth, and that He gives life to the dead, and that He is powerful to do everything,
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