Allah is the One who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see them. Then He positioned Himself on the Throne and subjugated the sun and the moon, each one of them running to an appointed time. He manages all matters, elaborating the signs, so that you may be sure of meeting your Lord.
He is the One who spread out the earth and made mountains and rivers on it, and created in it the pairs of two from all the fruits. He makes the night cover the day. Surely, in that there are signs for a people who think.
And in the earth there are tracts of land neighboring each other, and gardens of grapes, and farms and date palms, some having twin trunks and some having a single one. (Although) all of them are irrigated with the same water, We make some of them better than others in taste. Surely, in that there are signs for a people who understand.
If you wonder, then wondrous indeed is their saying, “Is it that, once we are dust, we are to be created anew?” They are those who have disbelieved in their Lord, and they are those who (shall) have shackles around their necks, and they are the people of the Fire. They shall remain there forever.
They ask for evil to come sooner than good, while punishments have really come to pass (against people) earlier to them. And surely, your Lord is the lord of forgiveness for the people against their wrongdoing, and surely, your Lord is severe in punishing.
For every one (from among you) there are angels replacing one another, in front of him and behind him, who guard him under the command of Allah. Surely, Allah does not change the condition of a people unless they change themselves. When Allah intends evil for a people, there is no way to turn it back, and for them there is no patron other than Him.
The thunder proclaims His purity with His praise, and (so do) the angels, out of His awe. And He sends the thunderbolts and strikes with it whom He wills. They are quarrelling about Allah, and He is stern in His plan.
True prayers are to be directed to Him alone; and those to whom they pray instead of Him do not respond to them at all, but they are like one who stretches his hands towards water so that it may reach his mouth (by itself), while it is not to reach it. And the prayer of the disbelievers (that they make to false gods) is nothing but straying in void.